Performance 11


In midi this week, our group got told that we had to complete Unit 3 and Unit 4 for it to be handed in 4th December. I however have completed unit 3 and the coursework with it and Unit 4 with the coursework. All I have to do is hand it in onto google drive and then my work for MIDI is complete. As a little extension task I made my own songs, one was a little Christmas jingle and the other was just a little beat I done as I was a little bored.


On Thursday, level 2 music made a set-list for the Christmas gig which was

  1. 7 Nation
  2. Havana
  3. Location
  4. Stitches
  5. Silent scream
  6. Royals
  7. Valarie
  8. Stole the show

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